Couples Counseling Mammoth Lakes
Anne Martin provides Couples Counseling Mammoth Lakes CA, relationship counseling, pre-marital counseling, parenting education and workshops as well as family counseling and specialized counseling with teens. She helps with divorce, relationship guidance, love and communication skills.
Building a strong community with compassionate understanding for individuals, couples, & families one relationship at a time.
A Marriage counselor and family therapists are trained to focus on relationships and the connections that are created between people. I collaborate with my clients when seeking solutions to distressing problems. Non-judgmental collaboration does not look for winners or losers when relationships are at stake. Rather than assigning blame, time is spent focusing on the “we” in the relationship. These priceless connections become stronger and more enduring.
Emotionally Focused Couple’s Therapy is a therapy based on the science of love and attachment. Our most important relationships can trigger strong feelings. Relationships can be a source of massive stress and pain- or a source of great comfort and joy. EFT helps couples to learn to deal with these feelings together- in a positive way.
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